What do we do in the Water Governance team?
We contribute to preserve and improve traditional and historical irrigation systems.
Our aim at MEMOLab is to support and provide recognition to traditional and historical irrigation systems in Sierra Nevada, and also to do research on their complexity and document it. On the one hand, we develop governance and management tools for irrigation communities who manage the systems of irrigation canals (acequias) in a communal manner. On the other hand, we map, study, and document such systems, and this turns out to be very useful not only for the communities that manage them, but also for all of us, as it helps us understand and value them better.
The tools mentioned above include management plans, land custody agreements, agreements between key stakeholders, voluntary service, scientific advice, mediation, and constructive resolution of conflicts.
What is a traditional and historical irrigation system?
Find out how this traditional and historical irrigation system works.
What is a traditional and historical irrigation system?
Find out how this traditional and historical irrigation system works.
Descubre como la salud de los ríos empeora debido a la actividad humana.
Desde su nacimiento en la cabecera de los valles glaciares de Sierra Nevada, el estado de los ríos empeora debido a la actividad humana.
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Which benefits does our support provide?
We provide irrigation communities with tools so that they may continue to improve the water management and governance systems.
With our work we help irrigators to preserve traditional and historical irrigation systems. These communities, with scarce resources and little administrative and social recognition, manage to keep many territories alive from an economic, ecological, and social point of view. For further information, visit the website on historical irrigation systems.
Data generated by the team
Learn more about the data we are generating- Cartography of historical irrigation and artificial recharge systems.